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The Way To Connect With Direct Selling Industry

Amway Contributes $500,000 To India’s Covid-19 Relief Efforts

Amway has contributed $500,000 to a fund led by the US Chamber of Commerce to help with ongoing relief efforts in India. Amway is a member of a group of leading corporations, non-profit organizations, and trade associations that have banded together to support the COVID-19 relief efforts in India. Amway’s contributions will help the country receive essential medical equipment and assistance, including 1000 ventilator and 25000 oxygen concentrators.

The David and Carol Van Andel Family Foundation have also pledged $250,000 to the cause.

Amway’s CEO, Milind Pant, who is also a vice-chair on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s U.S.-India Business Council Board of Directors, said, “India is on the hearts and minds of Amway’s global family.” “Know that we are helping our colleagues and friends in India during this pandemic times. Thank you for your bravery and perseverance during the pandemic. We’ll work together to get through this and emerge stronger.”

Throughout the pandemic, Amway has aided India with a $350,000 donation to relief efforts, the manufacture and donation of 12,000 units of hand sanitizer for frontline staff, and a collaboration with United Way Delhi to improve vaccine storage with deep freezers and a vaccination campaign.


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