The Way To Connect With Direct Selling Industry

The Way To Connect With Direct Selling Industry

An International Health Industry Forum Was Held By Tiens Group

Tiens Group, as one of China’s most powerful multinational corporations, has been committed to the development aim of improving people’s lives since 1995. Tiens Group’s primary goods at first comprised calcium products, which were considered healthful. However, it has established diverse enterprises in a variety of sectors, including cross-border e-commerce, international tourism, live broadcast, and terminal experience stores, and has served more than 47 million families globally through its 110 locations.

Tiens Group will host an international health industry development event on August 3, 2021 (China time) to address the global health industry’s growth. This forum has gotten a lot of media attention throughout the world due to Tiens Group’s global reach. Tiens Group Chairman Li Jinyuan stated that the company will continue to strive for a “community of human health” as a significant player in the worldwide huge health sector.

China introduced the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013 as a way to expand transcontinental global commercial cooperation. The Belt and Road Initiative has opened up several chances for trade promotion in a variety of nations while also lowering transportation and trade expenses for certain countries. Tiens Group plays a significant role in the construction of the Belt and Road by promoting economic and commercial cooperation and growth between Tiens Group and the Belt and Road nations.

Li Jinyuan, Chairman of Tiens Group, launched the direct selling company in 1995 and began to expand international business in 1997, recognizing the need for economic and trade cooperation for various economies. It’s worth noting that it’s embryonic cross-border e-commerce industry has been quickly growing, with markets created in Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa, America, and the Middle East, and a business scope that spans 224 nations and regions. To assure the support of the worldwide supply chain, three large foreign warehouses, including a European Czech warehouse, a European Asian warehouse, and an African warehouse, were recently opened.

Tiens Group has evolved from a single product to a diversified product structure, integrated health services, and subsequently multi-industry innovative and integrated development over the last 26 years, establishing a worldwide network encompassing all nations. It has embraced cutting-edge new concepts and processes to assist families in accumulating wealth via consumption, promoting employment and entrepreneurship, facilitating global trade, and promoting growth.

Many participants of the “Belt and Road” initiative from across the world have reportedly been interviewed in China and given good feedback. Tiens Group has been promoting, researching, and applying innovative business models and concepts to develop a worldwide business system since its inception. It has evolved into a Chinese national brand that will ultimately expand into a worldwide brand to support greater global economic growth as a practitioner of “the Belt and Road.”


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