The Way To Connect With Direct Selling Industry

The Way To Connect With Direct Selling Industry

LurraLife – Retail To Recruit: Network Marketing Upheaval

Network marketing is well-known: you buy your stuff, grow your team, and keep recruiting… When you run out of people to recruit, what happens to your earnings and the model’s effectiveness?

Given that just roughly a quarter of Network Marketing participants make the most money, you can draw your conclusions.

However, at LurraLife, we’ve worked hard to shift away from “contemporary” Network Marketing and toward a direct retail focus, which we call the “Retail to Recruit” mentality.

LurraLife lets our high-quality products speak for themselves rather than asking Brand Partners to sign up recruit after recruit with building packs. LurraLife caters to not only Brand Partners and health advocates but also one-time buyers, by emphasizing the product. We’ve found that after non-members buy and utilize our products, they return and bring their friends and family with them.

“One of the changes I’ve noticed in this market is a greater emphasis on actually running a business out of your house, rather than just recruiting, going online, and recruiting others to establish a large organization,” says the author.

Travis Martin, a co-founder of LurraLife, states

“If you can find a reasonable and successful product and sell it to your friends and family, you should be able to keep the money.”

According to Martin, LurraLife’s revenue has increased from $70,000 per month just 14 months ago to over $1 million per month.

When compared to compensation plan profits, retail profits account for three times the earnings. It doesn’t need a network or an army of recruits to start and maintain a healthy lifestyle; all it takes is satisfied consumers who want to get started.

But it’s not all about the money; starting with Drink2Shrink, we’re aiming to develop a community with a focus on the finest customer experience and cheap health items. We’ve also been able to offer initiatives that turn network marketing on its head and benefit users as a result of our success.

“You’ll often hear hollow claims in network marketing, like ‘just come in and you’ll make this sort of money,'” Martin added. “With the $100 A Day technique, people are truly making $100 a day in their first month of business,” says the author.

“It’s magic to see [members’] success and confidence, and to see them own a business,” Martin added. “When people join Lurralife, they become successful in their own right.”

About LurraLife

LurraLife’s main goal is to reconnect people with nature and teach them how to live in peace with the resources that the Earth has provided for us. We don’t define “fit” as a single ideal at LurraLife. We recognize that everyone is unique, and rather than changing that, we want to celebrate it.


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