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MyDailyChoice Appoints Vivian Chung-Patterson As Senior Vice President Of Marketing

Vivian Chung-Patterson has been appointed as the Senior Vice President of marketing in MyDailyChoice’s Corporate leadership team. She will be looking after the marketing initiatives and brand development for all the brands of MyDailyChoice.

Vivian has an experience of 10+years in the Network Marketing industry. She has formulated and enforced many successful marketing campaigns resulting in exponentially. She even grew sales from $82 million to $1.5 billion in notable period of five years.

MyDailyChoice is expecting to continue its rapid market expansion and launch of new products in 2020, with Vivian leading the marketing strategy.

Ceo of MyDailyChoice, Josh Zwagil says Vivian will bring an incredible amount of expertise and experience to MDC. He is confident MyDailyChoice will go to the next level with her as part of the executive team. Vivian leads team remarkably during rapid growth periods.

Vivian says she is very excited to join the MyDailyChoice corporate team. With their vision of expansion of product lines and entry in new international markets, she is looking forward to use her expertise to implement strategic marketing campaigns and increase overall sales while supporting the affiliates with effective sales tools.


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