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Oriflame India Has Launched A New Beautanicals Line

With #NothingToHide, Oriflame India just released Beautanicals, a line of safe and effective nature-friendly ingredients.

Digital event

The launch of Oriflame’s newest product line, Beautanicals, was followed by a massive digital event. The company highlighted its unique approach to cleansing beauty and shined a light on the transparent, healthy, and natural components that make up this thoughtful line. and efficient

Frederic Widell, Vice President and Director, South Asia and Managing Director for India at Oriflame, and Naveen Anand, Senior Director, Regional Marketing, South Asia at Oriflame, led the event in September 7.

Natural origin

The Beautanicals line is inspired by the pristine waters of Scandinavia and fueled by botanical extract and eight vital minerals.

It’s made up of 95% natural components, is free of parabens and silicones, and has biodegradable rinse formulas. It’s also registered with The Vegan Society.

“In the heart of everything beautiful”
“At Oriflame, we think that authenticity is at the center of everything beautiful, starting with you,” Frederic Widell stated about the launch. Botanicals allow you to experience the characteristics of your natural beauty.

“Beautanicals embraces our unique holistic approach to beauty and wellness in all aspects, from the ingredients based on plants and minerals to the packaging constructed from recycled materials.”

Beautanicals Products

Beautanicals Repairing Shampoo and Beautanicals Repairing Conditioner are peaceful solutions for beautiful, healthy hair, and Beautanicals Repairing Hand Salve and Beautanicals Revitalizing Body Cleanser are stunningly simple and effective body care.

Sodium, calcium, zinc, silica, copper, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium are necessary minerals, as is natural Swedish honeysuckle extract.


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