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QNET Announces The Belite 123 Weight-control Program

QNET, a leading direct sales, and e-commerce company have officially launched an innovative weight-control program in its African market, in response to the growing prevalence of obesity and overweight issues, as well as the resulting metabolic diseases, all of which have been linked to people’s lifestyles in recent years. The program comes in the form of BELITE 123, a product. The supplement increases metabolism, suppresses hunger, and cleanses the body.

The new Belite 123 is made up of three parts that work together to provide a weight-loss strategy that is simple to incorporate into one’s everyday routine: Belite 01 is a natural tea that boosts metabolism and regulates blood pressure in the morning. It’s made with a special combination of natural green tea, chrysanthemum flowers, and kaffir lime leaves to help you get your day started.

Belite 02 is the flagship product in the Belite 123 line, and it contains Irvingia Gabonensis, an African mango species recognized for its weight-loss benefits. It’s been dubbed a “breakthrough vitamin” and a “wonder in your medical cabinet” by Dr. Oz, a popular American health expert. Belite 03 is a natural tea made from cinnamon bark, senna leaves, and peppermint leaves that helps with detoxification and digestion. This tea is ideal for winding down at the end of the day since it can soothe the senses and heal the body as you sleep. BELITE 123 is the result of their combined efforts.

On Friday, August 20, 2021, in the Bushman Café, Riviera CIAD in Ivory Coast, BELITE 123 was unveiled at a meeting between the media and independent representatives of QNET under the topic “Nutrition, health, and wellness for beauty.”

BELITE 123 detoxes the body and improves metabolism, hunger suppression, obesity gene downregulation, fat deposition inhibition, cholesterol reduction, inflammation reduction, and bowel movement. Anyone worried about their weight can benefit from using the Belite 123 weight management method regularly. The Belite 123 weight management system/product is the result of years of study and is backed by four distinct US patents as well as nine clinical trials. It offers a holistic approach to weight loss that considers a variety of factors such as gut health, hereditary influences, and life circumstances in addition to nutrition as a cause of weight fluctuation.

About QNET

QNET is one of Asia’s most successful direct selling firms. It sells a variety of health, wellness, and lifestyle goods to help people live healthier lives. QNET’s fundamental business model, driven by the power of e-commerce, has assisted millions of entrepreneurs in over 100 countries across the world for over 20 years.

QNET is based in Hong Kong and has subsidiaries, offices, agency partnerships, and franchisees in over 100 countries across the world.


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