The Way To Connect With Direct Selling Industry

The Way To Connect With Direct Selling Industry

Vestige Launches A New Youth Outreach Initiative To Commemorate World Youth Day

Vestige Marketing Ltd, India’s first home-grown direct selling company, is marking World Young Day by encouraging the country’s youth to begin their road toward financial independence by being self-sufficient.

The firm, which has a large network of distributors across the country and a global presence in over six countries, seeks to recruit more young people to its ranks. In commemoration of World Youth Day. Vestige is asking its distributors to commit to onboarding five young people and putting them on the path to financial independence.

Mr. Gautam Bali, Managing Director, Vestige Marketing Ltd, stated of the newly launched youth outreach project, “India is a youthful nation with a rising youth population being one of its most important resources.” Training, skilling, and putting people on the path to financial independence via self-reliance may create economic miracles. We want to accomplish precisely that at Vestige by onboarding more of them to commemorate World Youth Day.”

Because it efficiently encourages entrepreneurship and self-employment, the direct selling sector has potential for the youth. Entrepreneurs are currently the most important factor in India’s economic development since they lead to the creation of micro-enterprises. This frees up resources for capital development, increased per capita income, job creation, higher living standards, and economic independence. Through its large distribution network, the direct selling sector has been mobilizing these qualities. By addressing India’s rising unemployment, empowering women, and skilling people, the industry has many economic advantages.

Unemployed people can earn money in this industry, while underemployed people can earn money passively. Direct selling has the potential to maximize prospects in tier 2 areas while also providing significant revenue opportunities for youngsters. As entrepreneurship grows, this will define a self-sufficient India at the grassroots level. It has a huge potential for fuelling the economic ambitions of young Indians.


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