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The Way To Connect With Direct Selling Industry

With Its FightMalnutrition Campaign, Amway Increases Its Attention On Malnutrition

Amway India, one of the country’s major FMCG direct selling firms, has launched the #FightMalnutrition campaign in honor of National Nutrition Week 2021. The campaign will use Amway’s worldwide famous Power of 5 initiative to raise awareness of malnutrition in children under the age of five, based on this year’s theme of “feed smart from the start.”

According to the National Family Health Survey, childhood malnutrition has increased alarmingly in almost 80% of India’s states and union territories. Furthermore, malnutrition kills approximately 68 percent of children in India. To bring attention to the seriousness of the situation, Amway India is urging its direct salespeople, merchants, and employees to sign a pledge and support its Power of 5 effort by using the hashtag #FightMalnutrition. The initiative includes Amway India adding one kid to their nutrition program for every commitment made on social media.

“In line with our core philosophy of helping people live better, healthier lives, our endeavor through #FightMalnutrition is to encourage our employees, 5.5 lakh direct sellers, and retailers to come forward and pledge, thereby driving meaningful conversations on the challenges around malnutrition in our country,” he continued. I envision this becoming a big trend of driving behavioral change, helping youngsters become healthy adults, with our frequent interventions and coordinated efforts.”

“It is our honor to work with Amway India in their #Fight Malnutrition Power of Five initiative,” said Dr. Reddy, Director SRF Foundation. SRF Foundation has been trying to bring good change to the community via its many programs, with education being a particular priority. A strong early foundation will produce eager and passionate learners who will seek better choices and changes throughout their life. The importance of excellent health and nutrition in supporting children’s cognitive development cannot be overstated. The ‘Power of 5’ initiative aims to raise knowledge about nutrition and its relevance among mothers and caregivers to avoid childhood malnutrition. The Amway Power of Five programme, in collaboration with the SRF Foundation, is a synergy of expertise, enthusiasm, dedication, and experience that promotes a child’s healthy development during the formative years.”

Heading 2: Amway raises awareness of hunger with their #FightMalnutrition campaign.


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