The Way To Connect With Direct Selling Industry

The Way To Connect With Direct Selling Industry

Haryana Has Yet To Adopt Direct Selling Regulations

In comparison to other northern states, Haryana may have taken the lead in manufacturing and information technology, but it has yet to adopt model rules on direct selling legislation.

Punjab had issued the Direct Selling Guidelines last year, and Himachal had embraced them in 2019, making it the region’s first state to do so. The publication of rules screens out fraudulent players, preserving customers’ interests while also assisting real players in their growth.

The Direct Selling Guidelines were published by the Department of Consumer Affairs in 2016 as guiding principles for state governments to regulate direct selling and multi-level marketing. As a result, more than a half-dozen states have embraced similar rules.

The direct selling model is offering things to customers directly at their homes. It provides a variety of chances for MSMEs in addition to providing a source of income for an educated workforce.

Currently, the northern states account for roughly 28% of total direct selling industry sales, followed by eastern India (26%), and western India (26%). (23 percent ).

In 2019-20, Haryana generated gross direct selling sales of Rs 782.8 crore. In the state, there are 1.5 lakh, active direct salespeople, with roughly 55,000 of them being women. Haryana is currently ranked second in the northern area, behind Uttar Pradesh.


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